The term ‘BAS Agent’ typically applies to a business who contracts to a client to provide services to that client to do with their BAS obligations.

The new legislation was implemented with a view to provide business with protection and security. It is about the qualifications, experience, competence, professionalism of us as an external person being relied on to assist you with the obligations of GST, PAYG Withholding (payroll), PAYG Instalment Payments, FBT Payments, WET, Fuel Tax and LCT.

My registration as a BAS Agent can be checked at

Only registered BAS Agents (and Tax Agents) are permitted to advise or help you ‘ascertain’ (determine, establish, discover, make certain) your liabilities obligations or entitlements of the areas of the BAS. Only registered Agents (other than yourself or your employees) are permitted to represent you in dealing with the ATO.

By being a BAS Agent I/We must:

  • be fit and proper
  • have a minimum formal qualifications (eg Cert IV Bookkeeping)
  • continue to have sufficient, ongoing, continual relevant experience
  • have an appropriate level of Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • undergo continuing professional education
  • maintain professionalism in accordance with at least the statutory code of conduct

Adherence with the code of conduct reinforces the concepts of:

  • Honesty & Integrity (including when acting for you in relation to your money)
  • Independence (including always acting in your best interests)
  • Confidentiality (unless you direct us otherwise, your information is totally confidential)
  • We provide service competently using knowledge and skills to take ‘reasonable care’ to ensure the tax law is applied correctly for you
  •  Advising you about your obligations under the relevant tax laws


Published On: October 9th, 2015 / Categories: BAS /

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