Bookkeeping can be an entrepreneur’s pain point if there is no proper process put in place. While you can certainly resort to DIY bookkeeping, the result can be disastrous once you have lost track of the most important details that should be in your financial report. Mention the word ‘taxes’ and it will sure bring chills to any business owner. Aside from the physical pain for paying a percentage of your hard earned income, you will also have to ensure that you agree to the term and conditions so you do not trigger an audit from the ATO. There are some questions that may linger in your mind regarding taxes and not knowing how to solve them can create a negative effective on your business. This is where a modern bookkeeper comes in.
A bookkeeper will help you keep track of your expenses and identify which expenses are considered eligible for write-offs. They will also help you keep track of your income especially for payments coming in from various sources. While these tasks can be overwhelming, your bookkeeper will help you ensure that you will not be intimidated by taxes. When it comes to taking care of your taxes, you just need to take it one step at a time. First, you need to break down your income sources and break them into payments. Your bookkeeper will help you track the payment transaction as you go and track the every single expense that you incur while you operate your business. Once you have these two figures, the next thing you should do is to determine the net loss or profit of your business.
Your bookkeeper should also keep track of your working hours on a weekly basis as this can help you break down your hourly rate. Tracking these things on excel will definitely suffice, but it is also much better to track them using bookkeeping programs. When you have complicated rules, it is really easy to get overwhelmed. This is why it is best to personalise rules and simplify the process as much as possible.
You must also understand that there is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’ approach. Make sure you keep track of your taxes and do not consider a professional bookkeeper as an additional expense. Bookkeeping will no longer be a pain point of your business if you know how to make the process simple with the help of a reliable bookkeeper.