Even the most profitable companies can go broke if they fail to manage cash wisely. In running a business, cash is critical and it is not about generating profits. When you think about how much it would cost to make the product and what the company can sell it for, profits will surely come to mind. Profits are not tantamount to cash as  you do not spend them in a business. You spend cash. If you do not have enough cash to pay your expenses, you can put your business at great risk. Your working capital determines your business health. It is important that you have a proper business plan that enables you to become well-prepared in managing your cash and profits.

1. Sales do not determine a steady cash flow.

Even if you are making the sales, it does not necessarily mean that you have the money to pay the expenses you incurred. If you incur the expense, assuming that you have already made a payment for them can get your business into trouble. Inventory is often bought, paid and stored until customers purchase it hence it becomes the cost of sales.

2. Generating profits do not mean you have enough cash.

Bills cannot be paid with profits. Even if you regularly pay your bills and your customers don’t, it can still take its toll on your business. Even if you are making profits, you still cannot make any money from it.

3. Inventory can hurt your cash.

It is important to note that you need to build or buy your product before you can even consider selling it. Even if your products sit on your shelves, the suppliers are still expecting to get paid. This means the dollar you have in inventory is a dollar you do not have in cash.

4. Bankers do not like surprises.

It is necessary for you to plan ahead so you are well-prepared if a problem arises. If you go to the bank armed with a realistic plan and chart, the bank will have an idea of the financial health of your business. If ever you intend to take out a loan, the bankers will use the reports as basis for their decision. `With a steady cash flow, it will not be impossible for you to get an approval from the bank.

Being aware of these cash flow rules will enable you to make room for business growth. Due to the nature of cash flow, you will not grow complacent even if your business is generating profits.

Published On: September 16th, 2016 / Categories: Bookkeeping / Tags: , , /

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